Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds (HART)- An Aftercare Ally

Where is HART (Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds) based? HART is loosely based out of central Iowa. Our horses reside at a couple of farms around the Des Moines Metro, and our mailing address is 1 Prairie Meadows Drive, which also happens to be the location of the Prairie Meadows Racetrack

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Pass the Cash- All in the Family

From foaling through racing through retirement, Pass the Cash is a Wasabi story. Let’s go back to the beginning to see how this filly’s blood runs orange and green. The beginning Pass the Cash is a product of the mating of Analyzeyurspending to Force the Pass in 2020. Analyzeyurspending was

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Bourbon Lane Stable- Aftercare Ally

Today, I am starting a new interview series, which focuses on racing groups who provide aftercare to their horses. This series begins with Jamie Hill, a partner at Bourbon Lane Stable. Tell me about your racing stable.  In 2010 (Mike McMahon) and I partnered. I previously ran a stallion operation.

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Brook Hill Retirement Center- An Aftercare Ally

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jo Anne Miller, Executive Director of Brook Hill Retirement. This aftercare program is a testament to the power of horses and humans working together. Read on to learn more about this organization. Where is Brook Hill Retirement Center for Horses based? Brook

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Another Great Year for Alli

Alli (JC Allied Invasion) retired from racing in October 2021. Along with his human BFF, Claire, Alli has had many adventures and learning experiences. Keep reading for the newest update from Claire. Allī and I are just having so much fun. He is such a talented animal. In May 2024,

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ReRun- An Aftercare Ally

I spoke with Lisa Molloy, Program Director at ReRun, to learn more about this Thoroughbred aftercare program. In addition to her role at ReRun, Lisa also was appointed by the New York State Racing Commission to their new Racehorse Aftercare Funding Advisory Committee. Where is ReRun based? Rerun is based

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