The Road to the RRP Officially Begins
When we assist in the retirement of Wasabi Ventures Stables horses, we place them in good homes with different opportunities. Broodmares, polo ponies, and more are the next careers for these horses. Some may have owners who want a challenge, such as the Retired Racehorse Project’s (RRP)Thoroughbred Makeover.
This year two of our retirees have owners/trainers, who have applied and been accepted into this year’s makeover.
This year’s entrants

Grace adopted Play (JC Shecanflatoutplay) in August 2022. Retired with an injury, her road to the RRP Thoroughbred Makeover has been slow and steady. Starting with stall rest, working her way up to walking, and eventually riding, Play has been a terrific student.

Katie adopted Gilly (JC Mob Mentality) in October 2022. Leaving the track sound, she had fewer obstacles to overcome. After some downtime while she acclimated to off-track life, Gilly has been training with Katie, as she learns new skills.
The road to the RRP
After applying in January, Grace and Katie received their acceptance emails on February 15th from The RRP. Now the work can begin in earnest, as they determine in which discipline each horse will compete.
We look forward to more updates on Play and Gilly, as they make their way to the Thoroughbred Makeover!