New Adventures for Alli
We recently received an update on Alli (JC Allied Invasion) and his new adventures with his human best friend, Claire.
From Claire
Over the summer, we added the canter and small jumps to our routine. While it took us a couple of weeks to get our sea legs, we readily progressed and became more confident. As the winter set in, we were ready to push ourselves out of our comfort zone. It’s best to keep one step ahead of Allī because when he gets bored, he creates his own entertainment.
We recently moved to a new farm to give us both a new adventure. I was incredibly grateful to all my friends who offered to have us. Ultimately, I decided on Jubilee Farm with Steve and Megan Mastropiero, where we have been welcomed with open arms. After giving him a couple of weeks off from riding to settle in, we got right back to work with Emily Wolek training us in her spare time.
Our move to a new barn this winter has provided Allī with lots of new things to experience. It’s exciting to see his personality come into its own. He is loving all the activity (the first time he saw a lead line rider and pony was hilarious). He is very relaxed and yet inquisitive, all at once. I am so incredibly fortunate to be training with Emily Wolek, whose depth and breadth of experience, particularly restarting Thoroughbreds has been invaluable. Allī is the third horse out of the Tapit line she has worked with this year. So, her knowledge of their personality traits has made our progress that much smoother.
Overall, it is just so much fun to own another amazing OTTB with whom I get to develop another lifetime partnership as we learn together. I am so proud of us for our progress! I’m excited for Emily to return from Florida so we can continue our journey with Mr. Allī.
To read a previous update on Alli, please click here. To watch him and Claire training, click here.