Threeninetytwo Update- June 2022
This past weekend was Threeninetytwo’s first horse show where he completely rocked!
We did a starter combined test, and from the moment he stepped off the trailer he was pure class. Warmup was a little chaotic, but he was oblivious. Threeninetytwo kept a level head and did what we have been working on at the event as well as he does at home. I credit his excellent career as a racehorse for the workman-like way he approached the show. I’m so thankful he had such a great start.
Everyone who saw him loved him and had nice things to say about him. He put in a really solid dressage test and jumped all his little jumps clean and confident to finish fourth in a big class. He happily wore his ribbon around and came home feeling like a 5-star horse!
We are aiming for a beginner novice combined test in a few weeks before he gets some downtime through the summer. We absolutely adore him and can’t wait to see what his future brings!
Many thanks to Threeninetytwo’s owner, Katie, for this terrific update on his first horse show!
To read a previous update on Threeninetytwo, please click here. To see more photos of him, go to his Facebook album.