Beauty Update- August 2022
Beauty or “B” settled into North River Stables in Mt. Crawford, Virginia, on June 1st with the help of my friend and trainer. She has full turnout with an accepting herd of horses of all breeds with your typical pecking order behavior. We have had no major problems settling in and are thankful for that. She bonded quickly with an After The Race adoptee right off the bat.
We began ground work in round pen and grass ring immediately with little to no problems. About a month in, we have achieved walk, trot, and cantor, as well as trotting over poles or low set jumps and hacking out. We recently did a jump chute to gauge her willingness and ability. She had a little too much fun. She has always loved jumping since the first times we attempted them. Her Jockey Club name, “Wave Jumper”, suits her well.
Beauty really thinks about everything we do and practically teaches herself. She is patient with me regaining my balanced seat and never makes me feel unsafe or like she wants to bail on me. I sometimes get emotional when I climb on her back because I feel like she is supporting me as much as I work to support her. It’s a true companionship.
I am still working on her complete gut health, and her attitude and overall condition show it. We are slowly making our way back to a show ring, and I dream of our first time together. However, I am patient and for now. We will continue trot sets and muscle building and bending. She is loved by everyone, just like at the track, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Many thanks to Samantha, who provided this update on Beauty.
To read Beauty’s previous update, please click here.