Allied Invasion- December 2021 Update
Allied Invasion was retired from Wasabi Ventures Stables in October 2021. Now known as Alli, this is the first update from his new best friend, Claire.
Finding Alli’s new best friend
In late August, I lost my 24 year old OTTB- Levi. While heartbroken, I knew another horse was in my plans. Although I was eager to find a new partner, I was not in a rush. I wanted to be patient. The first time I met Allied Invasion, I was willing to wait.
Allī started his post track life with me on October 19. My immediate goals were to get him to trust me, allow him to let down from the track, and ease him to turnout.
The first few weeks, he learned to be turned out in the rehab paddock to build his confidence. On weekdays, he was limited to when I could get there after work, but on the weekends I found myself laying on a cooler next to the paddock, reading a book while he gained confidence. Within two days, he would come to my whistle, even when he was insecure.
In mid-November, we eased him to a larger turnout and over Thanksgiving weekend, we successfully transitioned him to full-day turnout. While he shows us from time to time how fast he can be, he loves turnout. (He even plants his feet when we bring him into his stall.)
Also in mid-November, we pulled his shoes to try to correct his contracted heels. He has been enjoying being barefoot.
New experiences for Alli
As for his new work, I started hand-walking with him in the rings and on the trails. I slowly introduced him to lunging, and he listened to my voice commands within two sessions.
Sunday was his first post-track ride. My friend walked us around the ring, just to be sure. I quickly felt confident to walk and trot him on our own. He did great.
A few people have asked me what my plans are for him. Well, to be honest, I’m going to wait and see what he tells me what he wants to do. I definitely want to trail ride, and I am open to jumping. But, where we will go, we will see. That is the joy of the journey.