Alberta Thoroughbred Aftercare
Recently, I spoke with the President, Deanna Patton, and Vice President, Amanda Bennett about Alberta Thoroughbred Aftercare Society. Keep reading to learn more about their program.
How did Alberta Thoroughbred Aftercare begin?
ATAS was founded in 2021 by a group of committed owners, breeders, and backstretch workers, who sought to provide opportunities for dignified retirement for Alberta’s off-track Thoroughbreds.
What makes ATAS unique?
Alberta Thoroughbred Aftercare Society is the first aftercare organization in Alberta to apply for charitable status, as well as the first to apply for accreditation by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. We also took the initiative to provide full transparency with all other racing industry partners by inviting observers to sit on our Board of Directors. These include people from Horse Racing Alberta (HRA), Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society of Alberta (CTHS), Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association of Alberta (HBPA), and had representation from Alberta Century Casino A-Tracks. The board also includes OTTB trainers/owners, racehorse owners, breeders, trainers, a human rights attorney, and those that have vast personal experience with training and handling of OTTBs. Finally, the board has members with expertise in accounting, governance, and laws pertaining to not for profit organizations.
What happens when a horse is accepted into your program?
ATAS is not a rescue organization, as our horses are donated to us by owners who want to ensure their horses find loving, caring homes with ongoing aftercare reporting.
Owners, trainers, or authorized agents approach ATAS with horses they wish to place in the program. An ATAS member then facilitates an initial interview with the owner for background information and to complete intake forms to assess the horse’s suitability for the program criteria. The horse is then presented to the Board of Directors for consideration for acceptance into the program (or waitlist, if needed). Horses are reviewed and considered on a first-come-first-served basis. The horses need to have been trained, raced, or foaled out in Alberta and be identified by the Jockey Club or the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society’s Registry.
Do you work with other locations or farms in your program?
We work with a number of farms. Horses accepted into the program are sent to the sponsor farm best suited to their needs or potential. ATAS has sponsored farms within Alberta, each in proximity to the A-Tracks. Horses coming into the program arrive at the farm, where they spend a few days to a few weeks settling in while being assessed.
How many horses have gone through your program?
We are in our organization’s infancy, to date we have taken in five harder to home horses, with specific needs/limitations and some older ones looking for companion type homes. They are all still waiting to find their forever adoptive homes.
How does ATAS receive funding?
ATAS is funded fully by donations.The HBPA in Alberta was instrumental in the initial years of the program when ATAS was able to “bank” our donations, until the first horse was accepted into the program. From 2021 to 2024 racehorse owners running at Century Casino racetracks in Alberta donated one dollar per start and a 1.5% claim levy on any claims made throughout the race meets.
ATAS runs a Ring the Bell program, which has been very well received. We also hold 50/50 draws and raffle items during the race meet. During the off-season ATAS holds meet and greets at the farm. We also host a calendar fundraiser with a photo contest and are looking forward to other creative fundraisers in the upcoming months and upon being granted charitable status.
Do you have a story about a horse that we can share with our readers?
The Alberta racing industry has been in a fortunate enough position to not have required our services until the last two years. This has allowed ATAS the ability to bank some funds to put toward securing CRA charitable status. Additionally, it enabled us to afford chip removal surgery on our first surrendered horse, Daisy, who now is looking for her forever home as a companion or broodmare.
If people want to help your program, what can they do?
ATAS welcome all forms of donations, including monetary, equipment, or gift cards to tack stores, as well as sponsorship of grooming kits that can be labeled with ourr logo for publicity and awareness. Another option is a secured sponsorship to allow hard to move horses to retire at one of our sponsored farms.
We also appreciate people promoting ATAS and aftercare in general. You can connect with ATAS on social media. Feel free to ask questions or post comments!
To learn more about another amazing Thoroughbred aftercare group, please click here.