2021 Recap
What a year 2021 was for The Horse Fund!
At this point one year ago, The Horse Fund was merely an idea. I knew that I wanted to make the retirement program at Wasabi Ventures Stables even more robust. I believed that I had a community who would support my endeavor. Over the last twelve months I have seen this idea and belief transform into a continually expanding non-profit.
Key moments in 2021
- April- Official formation as a Florida-based nonprofit
- July- First THF board meeting
- August- First donation for a WVS horse’s retirement
- September- Official launch of THF to the WV Stables community
- October- Received 501(c)(3) status
- November- First participation in Giving Tuesday with amazing results
- December- First WVS Signature Item auction
In addition to all of these events, there were many smaller, just as important, happenings: updates on our former horses and OTTB interviews. Throughout the year, I request updates on our former horses via their new owners, AKA forever best friends. A crucial part of The Horse Fund is educating our club and the general public about the post-racing lives of thoroughbreds. By sharing our retirees’ stories, I can help paint a picture of all the possibilities. Interviewing OTTBs also bring awareness to the individual groups, as well as the racing to retirement transition.
In the behind the scenes activity of The Horse Fund, I built a board and then grew it by a couple more. My original board members, George Adams and Jordyn Egan, have worked with me since the inception of The Horse Fund. In December I added two more board members, Jen Roytz and Tom Erisman.
Looking forward
With only four months of true activity in 2021, it is amazing to see and feel the support that the WVS community has shown. Heading into 2022 I am excited to see what we can accomplish. One event that is scheduled is Shamrock Kid Day. In honor of our beloved horse, we will hold a fundraising event on or near St. Patrick’s Day. Another project for 2022 is to continue providing the horse updates that I post regularly. I also am looking forward to interviewing more OTTB groups. As most work on a shoestring budget, I am glad to bring attention to their altruistic programs. Of course, there will also be many more retiree updates. There’s nothing better than seeing our retired racehorses loving their new lives.
Thank you to all who were part of making this idea a reality in 2021! Here’s to an even more fruitful 2022!